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Heulandite-Ca from Vinařická hora near Kladno (Czech Republic)

Volume 26, issue 2 (2018), pages 163-167



The heulandite-Ca was identified in the material from the classical mineralogical locality Vinařická hora near Kladno (Czech Republic). It forms greyish white (some with yellow to orange tints) crystalline coatings formed by individual crystals with size 0.01 - 0.03 mm sitting in cavities up to 7 cm across in volcanoclastics. Its unit-cell parameters refined from the powder X-ray data are: a 17.732(5) Å, b 17.823(4) Å, c 7.433(2) Å, β 116.34(1)° and V 2105.3(9) Å3. Based on Ba contents, two types of heulandite-Ca can be recognized. The prevailing Ba-poor one with empirical formula (Ca1.95K0.66Na0.20Sr0.19Ba0.02)Σ3.02(Si28.85Al7.63)O72·24 H2O encloses tiny skeletal relics of Ba-rich heulandite-Ca with empirical formula (Ca2.35K1.65Ba1.49Na0.18)Σ5.67(Si26.53Al9.46)O72·24 H2O.


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